Auf Einladung der Direktoren und Kuratoren Jana Zielinski und Jiri Macek,
präsentieren wir im Openstudio beim designblok 18.

Openstudio, Průmyslový palác, Výstaviště 67, Praha
25. bis 29. Oktober 2018 von 10:00 – 21:00 Uhr.

Designblok traditionally shows a selection of works of designers and manufacturers from
all over Europe , represents a new prestigious brands and prototypes of young and
well established designers and design studios.

Designblok, Prague Design and Fashion Week is annually attended by
over 200 exhibitorsin the main area of Designblok, which consists of Superstudio,
Openstudio and Art House.
In addition to the central space during Designblok opens numerous galleries,
showrooms and pop -up shops throughout Prague and prepare a special program for visitors.
Designblok annually attracts more than 50,000 visitors of all ages from the Czech Republic
and abroad.


Nähere Informationen findet ihr hier.


Těšíme se na vás! (Wir freuen uns auf euch!)

